Meet The Team
Originally from England, I moved to the San Francisco Bay Area, California (USA) in 2009 to pursue my football coaching and I have been here, in Silicon Valley, ever since.
My daily focus in coaching is Futsal (indoor soccer) with Futsal Kingz where i'm the director of coaching. I also coach two youth soccer teams at Sunnyvale Alliance Soccer Club. U12 Boys team and My U18's called Impact 97.
I have garnered a fasctination with the tech industry here and although i'm predominately a soccer coach, I have wondered off the coaching path slightly here with 'Skillz and Drillz'. :)
I wanted to create a place where I could share my passion for soccer and record my coaching ideas and knowledge. Since 2012, with some help from my brother, we have manged to get some traction with my vidoes on YouTube and our iOS app. I made this website to showcase my videos and share further infomation such as session plans etc.
As of 2016, Skillz and Drillz is purely a hobby that I put a lot of time into. One day, my dream is to take it full time.
To read my full bio and see my coaching trip to Zambia, Africa, please click here.